Posted in crochet, Uncategorized

Beach sandals

Here is my beach sandals’ pattern at last for those who asked me during my summer holiday. It is another version of the flip flop transformation.

I have added chain strings that can be tied around the ankle, because I found that some flip flops are looser around the foot bridge than others. This means that the triangle tends to bundle as you walk. The strings keep the triangles in position.

Hope you enjoy it.

2015-12-15 09.45.35-1

Abbreviations (American crochet terminology): ch – chain stitch, cl – cluster, dc – doucle crochet, rnd – round, sc – single crochet, sp – space, ss – slip stitch

With 3 mm hook and Elle Premier Cotton DK, crochet 5 ch, ss in 1st ch to form a ring.

Rnd 1: (1 sc, 5 ch) 6 times in ring, ss in 1st sc.

Rnd 2: ss in 5 ch sp, (3 ch, 3 dc cl in 5 ch sp), 7 ch, [(4 dc cl in 5 ch sp), 7 ch] 5 times, ss in top of 1st 4 dc cl.

Rnd 3: 3 ch, [(2 dc cl, 12 ch, 3 dc cl) in 7 ch sp, 3 ch, 5 dc in the next 7 ch sp, 3 ch], [(3 dc cl, 12 ch, 3 dc cl) in 7 ch sp, 3 ch, 5 dc in next 7 ch sp, 3 ch] twice, ss in top of 3 ch cl.

Rnd 4: 3 ch, (4 dc, 6 ch, 5 dc) in 12 ch sp, (1 dc, 1 ch, 1 dc) in the next 3 ch sp, skip 2 dc, (1 dc, 1 ch, 1 dc) in the next dc, (1 dc, 1 ch, 1 dc) in the next 3 ch sp, [(5 dc, 6 ch, 5 dc) in 12 ch sp, (1 dc, 1 ch, 1 dc) in the next 3 ch sp, skip 2 dc, (1 dc, 1 ch, 1 dc) in the next dc, (1 dc, 1 ch, 1 dc) in the next 3 ch sp] twice, ss in top of 3 ch.

Rnd 5 (crochet the sc in this round around flip flop straps, except for the bottom side): 3 ch, 1 sc in the next 4 dc, 3 sc around the right strap in the 6 ch sp, move to the other side, 3 sc around the strap in the same 6 ch sp, 1 sc in the next 5 dc, (1 sc in the next dc, 2 sc in the 1 ch sp, 1 sc in the next dc) 3 times, 1 sc in the next 5 dc, 3 sc in the 6 ch sp around the strap, crochet bottom side: 3 sc in same 6 ch sp, 1 sc in the next 5 dc, (1 sc in the next dc, 2 sc in the 1 ch sp, 1 sc in the next dc) 3 times, 1 sc in the next 5 dc, 3 sc in the next 6 ch sp, move to ther other side and around the strap: 3 sc in the same ch sp, 1 sc in the next 5 dc, (1 sc in the next dc, 2 sc in the 1 ch sp, 1 sc in the next dc) 3 times, ss in top of 3 ch. Fasten off.

flip flop sandals

Crochet two chain strings the length preferred and attach it to the two bottom corners of the triangle.

Posted in crochet, General craft, Uncategorized

Summer holiday projects

We went away for our yearly summer holiday at Cape St. Francis in the Eastern Cape, South Africa. The weather was so lovely and once again I took pictures of the beautiful landscapes, textures and sea artefacts. My soul really revives when I breathe the salty air and go to sleep with the rhythm of the waves.

It also inspires me to play around with my yarn and do a couple of crochet projects. I will release the patterns during the next couple of months and will let you know as soon as its available. I hope you enjoy my photos and projects.

Based on my flip flop transformation, I crochet myself another 2 pairs for the holiday. This time I attached chain strings that fasten around the ankles for some triangles tend to bundle as you walk. I will release the pattern above within the next week for a couple of people asked me already.

The week before Christmas I made myself an Advent Krantz by attaching a doily to a twig frame. It looked awesome in the beach house with the sea as background.

I have started a Mandala with all my stash left overs that piled up from projects I finished during the past year but I ended up buying more and more yarn for it to grow into a rug. I went out of yarn and the suppliers will not deliver until new year. So now it ended up in my work in progress pile. I thought about the rug, and my kids walking over my hard work. Maybe I will transform it into pouf.

Katja is my flower child and she inspired me to make something from all the pebbles we collected. So I tried to crochet a flower like jacket for each pebble. Now I must find the right bowl for them to sparkle.

I ended up with a couple of Moroccan tile patterns that I want to use in projects later on this year.

Unfortunately  I am back now at home with my deadlines again facing me, but hopefully a creative year is lying ahead and I hope that I may bring some inspiration!